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Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Hi All, 

I just wanted to introduce myself on this thread.  I am FloatingFeather and I am a new peer support worker with SANE.  I was just reading this great thread and all the great advice.  As a support carer for a family member the need for carers to take care of themselves is not lost on me!

I'll never forget the first time my family member's psychiatrist asked me what I was doing to take care of myself? I was so concerned about taking care of my family member it didn't really dawn on me the importance of taking care of myself too!

Over the years I have found talking with others, listening to music, going for walks, being with friends and family, interacting with my pets, setting boundaries, knowing my limits of how much I can handle, taking time to reset myself if needed, has all helped me take care of me.  

Having a supportive community like this is also a great way to take care of yourselves.  Just knowing other people are in similar situations and sharing experiences and advice is such a source of comfort for me - I hope it is for you too.

Hope you are all well and taking good care of yourselves.



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Hi @Shaz51 

Thank you for your warm welcome.

There are some great tips in this thread - and I love that there is a space to support and encourage carers who also need support and looking after.

Just knowing you are not alone and there is support is so important.  It is not something I had when I began to be a carer 20 years and in hindsight I know it would have helped me so much.  Just having someone to chat to that has walked a similar path would have made such a difference.

Best wishes,



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Hi Friends!


I thought this week, we could hone in our focus on finding the 6 hidden words in each picture. I like to use this to help me feel a sense of achievement at the end of a not-so-pleasant task.


Picture 1 - Find 6 hidden words

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 4.29.07 pm.png


Picture 2 - Find 6 hidden words

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 4.29.19 pm.png


Picture 3 - Find 6 hidden words

Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 4.29.31 pm.png


@FloatingFeather @Shaz51 @AFK @Stargirl @Appleblossom 


Enjoy this mindfulness/mindlessness activity 🙂



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

HI @tyme,

Thanks for sharing this mindful activity - I really did help distract me, bring me into the present and focus on something that was fun :).

Anything with hidden words or missing objects is up my alley.

Best wishes,



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Did you manage to find the 6 words for each puzzle @FloatingFeather ?

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Found 6 words in the first one @tyme 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Super work @Shaz51 . I find it a good distraction to do these puzzles 🙂 And they are not too brainpower-intense LOL.


Hope you had an okay day today after your trip yesterday. Did you phone in to see how Mum was?

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

I found 4 in the first one, 5 in the second one and 3 in the third one @tyme. The third one really stumped me 😉 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

@FloatingFeather , @tyme 

I found 6 in the first picture 


5 in the second picture 


5 in the third picture 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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