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Re: 23 year old son

Do his housemates know that he struggles at times?

Re: 23 year old son

I'm worried about him @soul and sad for him, he is doing so well and can't see it. I'm so proud of him and he feels like he isn't doing enough

Re: 23 year old son

Not that I'm aware of @soul He keeps this all in so I don't imagine they would know

Re: 23 year old son

That's the depression talking. When you can't see the good - only the bad. When you sink into this deep hole and can't find a way out. You start thinking that nothing is ever good enough and nothing will ever be good again. The negativity takes over @lovemyboys

It's often a chemical imbalance and a mood stabiliser or anti depressant may kick start a better mind set for him. What do you think are the chances that you can get him back to a doctor?

Re: 23 year old son

@lovemyboys sonetimes its hard to see how well your doing when it seems the world's crashing in
I hope things ease for him and he comes around in the am. He knows hes got you there ❤❤❤
I hope your ok and manage tk get some sleep yourself. Ill chat with you tomorrow my meds are kicking in and making me tired. Sleepwell ❤❤

Good night to you too @soul ❤❤❤

Re: 23 year old son

He just said to me I'm sorry I'm not good enough, I suck at my job, I'm not doing anything you'd be proud of, I'm doing nothing with my life @soul
I feel like getting him back to his GP might be asking him to cut his left arm off

Re: 23 year old son

Is this the worst you have seen him @lovemyboys? You could reassure him every day but he still might not believe it. His self esteem appears to be pretty low. 

Re: 23 year old son

@soul Never seen that from him before. He has recently been promoted at work and is now a manager, he likes but it may be worrying him a bit and adding to his stress. He has worked so hard for position.

Re: 23 year old son

Having to put up this front that he has his act together when deep down he doesn't feel that way must be very difficult for him @lovemyboys. Even if it isn't true, his thoughts are telling him it is. He needs to realise that what he thinks isn't reality. Perhaps point out some things that he has got going for him because he can't see that or he just overlooks them and focuses on the bad stuff in his life. 

Re: 23 year old son

He has soooo much going for him @soul When he was a baby he was sick we weren't even sure if he was going to make it, let alone be a healthy 6'6 man playing football almost professionally, managing a cafe, has a drivers licence and living out of home, and an excellent surfer