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Re: 23 year old son

It seems that he does have a pretty good life. But he can't see it. Getting that promotion is a great thing yet he may feel that he isn't up to the task. Playing football at that level is something only the top sportsmen can hope for and again he has doubts about his ability. He thinks he's a fraud. He doesn't believe in himself. That is very sad and must be awful for you to hear and watch. 

I'm sure you are offering him lots of love and support. If he isn't happy, there is something drastically wrong. I would urge him to rethink medication or counselling at the very least. 

Re: 23 year old son

All this time I thought he was happy @soul and its breaks my heart that he isn't

Re: 23 year old son

He has so many reasons to be happy @lovemyboys. The fact that he isn't is certainly a cause for concern. Was he on meds for long last time? Why did he discontinue?

Re: 23 year old son

I hope that after that outpouring to you, a good cry and a restful sleep, things will look brighter in the light of day. Keep those lines of communication open but try not to act too anxious around him. To have someone that he can talk freely about the things that stress him is therapy in itself.

Go gently @lovemyboys. You do love your boys and girl. Don't forget to love yourself as well. 

Re: 23 year old son

not long at at all, really not long, a couple of months maybe. I'm not sure why he stopped, I'm hoping we can work this one out.
Thank you for your support @soul
I'm off to bed now - where I'll lay awake with worry for a few hours then hopefully get a bit of sleep

Re: 23 year old son

Thinking of you @lovemyboys and hope that you and your son got some much needed restorative sleep. Also hoping that today is a better one for you both. I can understand that your son's state of mind yesterday came as a bit of a shock and may well have triggered all sorts of feelings of helplessness and regret in you.

Keep him close and let him know that he is a wonderful person and that he has your full support, that you care deeply for him and want him to be happy. And very importantly, take care of yourself as well. 

Re: 23 year old son

Thanks @soul
I heard him take himself off to work at 6 this morning so haven't seen him yet.

Re: 23 year old son

Hope things are better today.

Re: 23 year old son

Thanks @soul No response to my message about if he's ok and if he'll be staying here again tonight. I hate to overwhelm him and crowd him

Re: 23 year old son

Probably best to give him a bit of space @lovemyboys. If he's anything like my son when it comes to responding to messages, he'll get back to you in a couple of days 😩