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So just before 3pm my ph rings.  It's the secretary for my psychiatrist.  She tells me that he has just finished his hospital rounds and has now gone home.  WTF!!! 

gone home.  But he hasn't called me yet. 

Secretary tells me my psych will call me sometime on Monday,  but that in the meantime I should go to the local inpatient unit,  if I'm unwell. 

The local Inpatient Unit!!  At the place I used to work at!! 

The place 5 years ago,  where all this happened to my mental health!! 

To be sedated by staff I know. 

To be added to their patient list and have a file made about me. 

To have anyone look up my personal information. Including my managers manager,  that out me in this head space. 

I don't bloody think so!!!! 

Why would my psych suggest this?  Surely he remembers I'm suing them.  Surely he remembers I still panic about those memories. 

Obviously not.  Or else he's a sadistic psych. 

The secretary is talking,  rabbiting on,  trying to make me feel better,  because even she knows what he's done is wrong. 

I say,  it doesn't matter.  It just doesn't matter,  and I hang up on her. 

So my psychologist didn't fight to keep me in therapy. 

My psych couldn't be bothered to ph me and help me. And to rub salt in my wound,  told me to go to my ex workplace to get help this weekend. 

And now I have the weekend to get through. 

I went to sleep for 4 hours. 

I wish I had drugs.  Something to take away the pain and any feelings I have. 

I hurt. 


OMG @utopia .... I’m speechless !!!!  😦🥵


How can they possibly get it so wrong ???!!


Does the alternative medical support mean coming to the city ?

Not applicable


Oh gosh @utopia ! It sounds like such a rollercoaster of thoughts/emotions and bringing up old memories as well...

It sounds really overwhelming and finding a quick fix is very tempting. Is there anything that you could do for yourself that may help you tonight? 

Sending good thoughts to you tonight.



I'm so glad to see all the amazing support from the community. It doesn't make your situation any better @utopia but I hope it can provide some comfort to know we all hear you and send our best wishes to you. 

Senior Contributor


@Faith-and-Hope . Going to hospital means going to Melbourne. 

The local Inpatient unit is 50 minutes from my town.  I won't go there. 

My psychologist suggested I go to hospital.  So I rang my psychiatrist just before 12.30. Plenty of time for him to arrange hospital admission. 

But no.  No help. 

And this is the Private system!!! 

Community Guide


@utopia That is beyond belief!!! Has your pdoc heard anything you have talked about???

It is totally unacceptable that he would even suggest that and borders on neglect.

So angry for you Hon. How dare he even mention that hospital knowing that that is where your fears and PTSD come from. Beyond words here Smiley Mad


Of course you hurt - it has been insufferable for you lately and with seemingly no help in sight. The system is beyond broken when someone like you ask for help and yet you are not only not listened to but the actions of 'professionals' would put you in a worse situation.


I can only echo what others have said here though @utopia - we care, we are here for you and are listening. Cannot believe the position your pdoc has put you in and very much hearing how angry, frustrated and hurt you are feeling.


I had a psychiatrist make our situation much worse @utopia .  Won’t go into that here .... but as devastating as it was for us, I am totally gobsmacked with yours ..... unbelievable !!  I am so angry for you too Hon, and here with you.

Senior Contributor


Last night and tonight I rang LufeLine.  It was a good help.  I just needed to get everything off of my chest. 

And after the call I was able to fall asleep.  Was mentally drained. 


That’s the best news @utopia ❣️  So proud of you for doing that, and that the people you spoke to at Lifeline were in tune with what you needed ..... so well done, and not at all surprised you’re exhausted. It’s been a terrible while for you, but hopefully, little by little things can start to improve again.


Here, listening and believing in you ❣️




Senior Contributor


Feel for you @utopia  but glad you managed to call lifeline. 

Rest up and take it easy 

thinking of you ❤️❤️

Community Guide


So glad it helped @utopia and that you could get some sleep. It is a huge thing that you reached out for help and it was supportive. Well done you Heart