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Oh poor cat.  I really hope the surgery went well and the outcome is perfect.  That must be very scary and upsetting for you @Zoe7 . 

At least Toby's ear infection will clear up nicely with the ear drops. Cat just needs more specialized love and care at the moment.  Bless her. 

Great that you had a class for the whole term.  That must have been satisfying.  I really hope you get a class for the full year next year. That would be the icing on the cake. 

At any time my case can go sour.  WorkCover might put their foot down and say take us to court.  My barrister might say his firm won't fight for me if he thinks the fight will be too hard.  So many things can go wrong. So I'm trying to just play it cool and not dwell or think about it too much. 

I love the idea of making pompoms.  I learnt to make them in primary school.  Fun times.  You must be their favorite teacher. 

I'm struggling with sleep again.  I'm awake all night.  Til 6am or later.  I'll ask for some meds when I see my doctor next week,  because I don't have anything to help me sleep.  And I'm starting to go a little mad. 

I'm still doing OK with no signs of depression.  YAY!!!  so fingers crossed it stays that way. 

All my love to you gentle butterfly.  Love to Toby and positive healing to Cat.  ❤

Community Guide


There would not be much more than could make me happier than to hear you have reached a settlement and it is finally over for you @utopia - so I will cross absolutely everything (even Toby's paws) and hope for that resolution for you really soon Hon Heart


Cat is home. I picked her up this morning. She is bright as a button and unless you knew she had just had a major surgery you would not think anything was wrong with her. We won't know the results of the biopsy until later in the week - honestly not expecting good news there but the positive is they found no more growth anywhere in her body so also hopeful they got it all out. If it is malignant we will cross that brisge when we get to it. Right now I am just happy she made it through surgery and I have her home.


I have been struggling with sleep again too @utopia One of my night meds has been increased but I only started on that last night - I think I managed a couple more hours sleep so that is hopefully a positive sign. Back at work Monday so really need to get back into a better routine. Beeing so worried about Cat has certainly not helped. I hope you get some help from your GP this week and you can get back into a better pattern also - it sucks when we are not sleeping. Let me know how it goes with the GP.


I had a meeting with HR this week and they are going to place my for next year on class - don;t know where or what grade but it is all being organised early this term - so I will know where I am going before the year is out ...they are hoping it will be organised early in the term as I am a priority placement according to the HR person. She was so lovely and made me feel at ease straight away - a far cry from all I went through last year with both HR and the Principal (mainly the principal - grrr).


Any plans for this week other than seeing your doctor?

Senior Contributor


That's great news @Zoe7 about HR and your placement for next year.  I love the term priority placement.  Must feel real good to hear that. 

No plans this weekend,  other than run to the supermarket before it closes at 1pm.  Need a few things and need to do some clothes washing and cleaning out the fridge today.  That's it. 

Hope you get a better sleep tonight. 

Love to you and Toby and Cat.  Fingers crossed for benign. 

Community Guide


I actually stayed up really late (3am) going through files and photos on my computer @utopia I got so much sorted so that is satisfying. There is still a lot to go but it is getting there. It will be good to have it all done so I can find things easier. I tend to save things to the desktop to make it quicker and copy everything to a new folder when there becomes too much - once I have all the folders sorted it will be easier to find things too.


I was really pleased how the meeting with HR went. She knew I had been unwell but didn't know the extent. I told her what had been happening and she was really lovely about it - even praised me for both getting through and taking the time to get better as well. Unlike last year it was not something held against me at all - quite the opposite - and it was refreshing to have that support. I told her I had ongoing appointments but they were after work so wherever I end up there would be times I would have to leave straight after work to attend those. She doesn't see that as an issue and again said it is good I am keeping them going for that support.


Hope you got to the supermarket and got the few things done you needed to do. I made it to the supermarket today as well - got a few veggies to get through the next few days. I still have some housework to get done but it can wait - in no rush to get it done today. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow - feel like I haven't really had a break with everything going on with Cat. She is doing really well though so I feel more comfortable about leaving her to go to work than I did on Friday. I'll close the door to her room while I am away and put her litter tray and bowl in there for her. She should sleep most of the day but she isn't allowed to jump for a couple of weeks so it is best to contain her to her room where everything is down lower.


Lots of love to you, Abbey and Dog my beautiful cocky friend - and some extra cuddles from Toby and Cat Heart

Senior Contributor


@Zoe7  Wow that HR meeting really did go well. Brilliant! 

I go to bed around midnight.  I don't fall asleep until after 6am.  I am tired.  Thought I was seeing the doctor tomorrow,  but it's on Wednesday. Oh well. 

Abbey had an upset tummy last night/this morning.  All over the dining room floor.  She seems better today,  although she didn't eat much dinner.  And she had no dinner the night before. Dog is OK.  Has a robust tummy. 

Yes I went to the supermarket.  Did some clothes washing.  Cleaned out half of the fridge.  Hope to clean out the rest tomorrow. 

Have a good Tuesday at work.  I'm sure Cat will continue to get stronger. ❤

Community Guide


Yeah the HR meeting did go amazingly well @utopia Now it is just a wait and see until I know more - but that is okay because I know where I sit and they are working on it.


Poor little Abbey - hope she bounces back really quickly. It is horrible when our babies are not well. Smiley Sad Good Dog is okay though.


I'll let you know when we get the biopsy results for Cat - very much trying to forget about it until we find out. I have some hope but don't really expect it to be benign - so then we will discuss ongoing treatment. On the positive side she is eating and looks amazingly well despite what she has been through. Love that little munchkin Heart


I am off to bed - longer day at work tomorrow with meeting after school. I'll come home at lunchtime and check on Cat and let Toby - then back to Wednesday's off so one more day before my day off. I am really happy to be going back to Wednesday's as my day off - breaks the week up into manageable days.


Goodnight Hon - hope you can sleep before 6am tonight and goodluck with getting some help with that when you see you doctor on Wednesday Heart

Senior Contributor


YAY.  I fell asleep just after 5.30am. Lol @Zoe7 


hugs and hugs @utopia HeartHeart

Senior Contributor


Thank you @Shaz51 . ❤ hugs for you too


@utopia  hope you are OK my friend xoxo