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Senior Contributor


To be honest @Shaz51 I'm  feeling pretty Blah. 

Weather has been cold and grey. Miserable weather. 

My stomach feels empty and my chest hurts.  Think it could be from my surgery.  But not sure. 

Feeling teary and a bit down,  which makes me scared that Depression is coming back. 


Might be tiredness my @utopia  xx 

I have been feeling blah a lot too 

You need some sunshine my awesome friend which my Mr shaz is the same xoxo 

Try not to over think about it my friend, I know it is hard as Mr shaz feels like that on overcast days 


hello and hugs @utopia HeartHeart

Senior Contributor


Had a good session with my psychologist today.  

It's been 2 & 1/2 months with no depression. Which is just fantastic! 

I still aren't doing anything daily. My days are very boring.  But my psychologist thinks this is good,  as it should motivate me to start getting out and about. 

I did go to my bed house for lunch on Sunday.  It was nice sitting outside and just chatting. 

Today psychologist filled out referral form for WellWays (a group that helps those with physical or mental disabilities to live a good life).  After today's session I dropped the referral form in.  I'm hopeful they will have activities that I can join in with. 

So all up,  I'm feeling positive. 

As my psychologist says,  we don't know when my next depressive episode will hit.  So it's important that I have a full life,  so I can fight the depression when it hits.  Sounds good to me. 

Hope everyone has had a good day also. 

Senior Contributor


So.  So far I've had my gallbladder out 2 months ago.  A blood clot in my arm 5 months ago. A skin cancer removed.  Skin graft which didn't take,  so now it's left to heal on its own.  About 6 weeks ago. 

And now,  on Tuesday morning,  I had a STROKE.  Has affected my left side arm and hand and my face and speech.  They say it's a mild stroke.  Bloody frustrating. 

Then they tell me at the hospital I have diabetes 2 and high cholesterol.  So that's now 9 tablets I take at night.  Aaarrrggghhh!!! 

Hospital are setting up OT,  and 24 hour heart monitor and diabetes nurse and dietitian and a heap of other stuff. 

I can't drive obviously,  but by law I can't drive for minimum of 4 weeks and then I need a doctors letter.  So my mum is my designated driver into the new year. 

Not sure how I feel yet about it all.  Haven't cried but I think it would be good for me if I did have a cry. 

Stay safe everyone. 


@utopia  What a hell of a ride you are having. Really sorry to hear you are going through one thing after the other.

Life can get really tough at times. Sending my kindest thoughts, of no use I know, but listening and hearing you. Take care where you can. 💙💙💙💛


ohhh @utopia , sending you lots of tender hugs my friend , how are you today xxx

I have diabetes 2 and high cholesterol., high blood pressure , stage 4 kidney disease, scolosis

sending you understanding hugs Heart

@Maggie, @Zoe7 , @Faith-and-Hope , @frog , @Appleblossom , @Owlunar , @Jacques , @Kurra , @eth 


Ooooh My a stroke on top of all the rest.

@utopia that is really going through the wars ... compounded with silly time of year.


I hope your health people work out a good rehab routine.





Senior Contributor


Oh no @utopia I'm really sorry you're not well. A stroke is so frightening. I wish you well and your health improves. Sending you lots of love and hugs. I hope next year is a much better year for you. Take care ❤️❤️🤗

Senior Contributor


@Shaz51 . I'm good.  Not 100% but my left hand is getting stronger.  You can't tell by looking at me,  that I've had a stroke.  The face is back to normal. 

Yep I've got a few things going on,  but I'm on meds for everything.  Sick of taking s9 many tablets though. 

Hope you and Mr Shaz51 are healthy and well at the moment.