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@utopia  I’ve just caught up on your very good news. Depression free for a month, considering a psych said it was untreatable not too long ago, you possibly feel over the moon. And your sons academic achievements, all sound really good. I really am happy for you. Take good care of yourself. 💕💜

Community Guide


Yes Toby @utopia Both he and Cat are good. We had a couple of weeks where Cat was not eating properly but is back to her old self again so that is a huge relief. I need to take Toby in for his annual check up soon (way overdue) but will wait until the school holidays now - both time wise and money wise that will be better. I have a relief day to be paid for but that won't come through until the first week of holidays so will be able to pay for the vet with that.


I have had a few really tough weeks - work has both stressed me and also kept me going - nothing like a bunch of smiling kids to greet you in the morning to help you get through Smiley Very Happy There is one more week after this week and then the school holidays. I am planning on taking Toby to the beach - the weather here is improving too so I am hoping that continues in the holidays so I can get some things outside done. The garden needs some TLC and my garage is a mess so that is on the list to sort out as well.


I am so happy for you that the depression has gone - that is amazing news Hon. Ease yourself back into things and hang onto every little bit of joy you can. It has been a very long road for you but you did it - now to the future heyHeart

Community Elder


Hey @utopia haven't caught up in a while but wanted to say your son's soccer news made me smile.


So good to hear @utopia ❣️

Senior Contributor


@Faith-and-Hope @frog @Zoe7 @Maggie @Shaz51 

My 2 dogs are doing well.  Just need weather to warm up a little more and then I can bath Abbey.  She's a little pongey from no baths during winter. 

Big dog for some reason never really smells. 

Thanks for your nice words and thoughts. 

Yes things are going well for me at the moment.  It feels great.  Liberating.  Freeing. 

Hope all of you start to feel some good days ahead.  Maybe the sunshine will help. 

Community Guide


Toby really needs a bath too @utopia ...and a haircut. That will have to wait until the holidays though - I will have much more time and hopefully it will be nice weather for him to dry quickly. Great to hear Abbey and Dog are okay 🐶


It is so wonderful hearing how well you are doing - brings a lift to my heart my beautiful cocky friend 💕 It is amazing how much more we can do when that heaviness lifts just a little and for you it seems like it has lifted a lot - sooooo happy for you Smiley Very Happy

Senior Contributor


Thanks @Zoe7 

Community Guide


Hey @utopia Checking in here to see how you are after you big meeting the other day. Hope things are coming together for you and you finally get what you deserve for all you went through. Hope Abbey and Dog are keeping you company and your Mum and son are okay. Hugs and hugs my beautiful cocky friend 💛🧡💚💙💜

Senior Contributor


Thanks @Zoe7 .

The Barrister is putting the paperwork together to send to WorkCover stating my ex employer ruined my health by their neglect.  So even though I didn't get 30% incapacity.  The incapacity that I have received is serious.  Therefor I want to be compensated for that neglect. 

Will have to wait and see what happens. 

How have you been enjoying the spring weather?  I'm so glad winter is over. 

Dogs are good.  Abbey got her bath last week.  Hope your animals are well. 

How is work?  What about art?  What have you been up to? 

Community Guide


I really hope you are adequately compensated for all that you have been through because of their neglect @utopia You have been through so much but you really seem to be getting back on top of life and that is wonderful to see Smiley Very HappyHeart


Toby needs a haircut and a bath too but he has an ear infection so no point doing thst until he has finished with his ear drops. He is also going in to get his teeth cleaned next week. Cat is really sick. She had an operation yesterday to remove a mass on her intestines. It was a very long and difficult op but she made it through. Last night and the next couple of days are critical because of the risk of infection. Still waiting this morning to see how she is but I figure no news is good news. Very much hoping she is able to come home tomorrow.


Work is going okay. I had a class for all of last term but back to support role this term. I have had a meeting with HR about next year and whilst I won't be able to stay at the present school they are hoping for somewhere close and back on class for the whole year.


I haven't been doing any painting for some time but have been doing some craft with the kids at school. We made little pom pom animals and birdhouses and both took a lot of time. I have a couple of pom pom animals to finish off for a couple of kids that didn't get to finish and one birdhouse to make for a kid that was away for most of the term - lucky little cherub spent 8 weeks in Queensland travelling around with his family but they kept in contact with the class with regular emails which we replied to as a class.


I haven't been great again for a little while but especially the last week with Cat. Initially the vet thought it was Lymphoma and on her kidney so the prognosis was not good but once they did an ultrasound they found it was on her small intestine and had not spread anywhere. No idea yet if the mass is malignant or benign as the results will not be back until next week. If she makes it through the next couple of days I have more hope now though. I do love my little girl so much and can't imagine life without her. So lucky too to have Toby - the little sweetheart was looking for Cat last night so he must miss her too. They are such funny little creatures hey.