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Re: Managing Bipolar 1

@greenpea I also have spent a few pretty memorable nights at the Oaks over the years especially the night the Bunnies 🐰won the GF! Glad you are getting out to see a few flicks with Son2,  and you already have commitment for a follow-up.


Yes, it’s a relief about my son re-socializing, I’m thrilled about that and I’m not worried about him and relationships because he’s a handsome fella and it will happen when the time is right!


He’s at home this weekend resting and I’m impressed because he vacuumed for the first time in about 12 months! I didn’t push him, but he just offered! He’s spendings most of his time playing computer games, he just got this new Pokemon one with a Poke ball which  he seems to be pretty addicted to but it keeps him calm so no harm in that.


Yes, we both have definitely had a real whirlwind of a year, and finally things are getting back to some semblance of normality! It’s a new and better normality and yes if we stay eternal optimists things will be fine whatever happens. I also consider you a very dear friend greenpea because we get eachother and whatever happens we are virtually there for eachother. I wish you a very Sunny and happy weekend. Take care and do something special for yourself xxx

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

@Dadcaringalone Hoping that you are enjoying your weekend too. I have a brilliant crime novel which I have been glued to 'The Lost Man' by Jane Harper. Are you a reader? If so and you like crime novels based in Australia I can recommend this one.


I hope you enjoy your Sunday. Love greenpea :)xxx

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

Hello to anyone interested in this thread.  I just rediscovered it - not sure why the discussion petered out when it did, but keen to get it going again.

I've had to really closely monitor what's going on for me over recent weeks as I've had one major issue on top of another and another and so on.  This last 2 weeks have been a major anxiety period with preparing for my NDIS annual review on top of everything else - I was quite accelerated for several days and worried it was becoming hypomania, then crashed down after the meeting to the point where I've spent the last 3 days in and out of bed and hardly able to do anything else.   And in the midst of that it's become clear that a person I thought was a good friend has cut off all contact with me.  


So what am I doing about it all?  Keeping my daily mood/med/sleep charts, reducing coffee intake, using sleep hygeine guidelines, trying to eat well and not comfort eat sweet stuff, saw my psychologist last week and will see her and my psyciatrist this week, getting a little exercise.  


I've had 'mixed state' bipolar in the past and this feels a little like that.  Elevated for a few hours then down for a few .... for several days now.   Putting the brakes on when I'm accelerating vs looking for motivation when feeling flat and down.  


Hoping others with bipolar will join here again ..... don't want to tag because it's up to each of you whether or not and how much you disclose.


Re: Managing Bipolar 1

 @Teej  @outlander  @frog  @CheerBear  @Faith-and-Hope  @Shaz51  reaching out here as I've had no response.  I don't know who I can tag at the moment.  Feeling quite confused as to how an apparent break-down of communication with someone has come about, and fearing the 'ripple effect'.  It's the 2nd one thing too many so to speak within a few days.  I feel like my start as a CG has been thwarted.

Not applicable

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

Hi there @eth I am sorry to learn that you feel you have lost a forum friend and that your start as a Community Guide has not gone well. As you probably well know Online Communication means that misinterpretation can occur as there are no verbal or other social cues to help us. If you need support with being a CG or otherwise please do not hesittae to contact us at our email address   take care Whitehawk

Re: Managing Bipolar 1


Re: Managing Bipolar 1


Sorry to hear you have not been well @eth, I can certainly empathize with you, the stress around NDIS can be very triggering! My son has stabilized substantially but recently we had a hypomania period resulting from a medication change, which wasn’t  a very nice experience for all those involved especially him. Things have stabilized size then and we now have a higher therapeutic dosage of mood stabilizers. Not sure that means anything to you? It can be very difficult to manage mania as you are feeling good, but keep going as things will improve. We find stress is a big trigger and sleep hygiene is also critical. I’m a bit sick of our treating psychiatrist at present as in our local area they are on a 6 month rotation which is like a lucky dip.

Stay well and great idea to get this old, but good chat going again...

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

Thanks @Former-Member  I will reach out by email if I need to.  Tonight's Topic Tuesday discussion has helped a lot to re-focus and feel I have something to offer.


Hi @Dadcaringalone  nice to see you again and great to hear your son has stabilized again.  Yes I'm on quite a regime of meds including mood stabilizers and see my psychiatrist tomorrow for a med review.  And my psychologist is tomorrow too and she always gives me a lot of positive reinforcement and strategies.  I totally agree with you about stress and sleep disturbances being major triggers.   I'm sticking to sleep hygeine guidelines and doing some self care activities, but can't really control the external stressors.  Taking life half a day at a time for now.

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

@eth Best of luck tomorrow and remember you can change how you respond to the external stressors as you call them! I find this pretty empowering as you are the captain of your fate. I find my son just blocks people who are his triggers as the vast majority of the population have absolutely no idea about MH. I have helped him even block some family members who are extremely destructive to his recovery. I really like your comment taking life half a day at a time, have a great morning tomorrow...

Re: Managing Bipolar 1

Good morning @Dadcaringalone  I have also had to put strong boundaries in place with some family members, particularly my mother.  She came to visit (lives interstate) and stayed here while I was house and dog sitting - usually my brother and sister-in-law would be here as I have a cabin in their back yard.  One night that was very difficult to get through was enough to send me hypomanic for nearly 4 months.

I have complex PTSD too so often I actually can't change my response to things that trigger me, but I'm working on it.  I have realized through keeping a mood/anxiety chart that more frequent PTSD reactions such as alarm and hypervigilance and further loss of sleep can trigger a bipolar swing.  I am constantly using numerous strategies to prevent that and have more control over it if it happens.  And I feel lucky to have a good strong support network around me.

Seems to me you're a wonderful support for your son.  Is he starting to have insight into what happens for him?

You have a good day too, hope it's one of the better ones.