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Re: Tabaluga's

me either prob shit game and sydney wake up and win by 10 or port kick 5 in first quarter and hang on to win lol @StuF  who knows.

going to stuff this coffee down, put washing out then work on assignments, think will finish the ones that were due tues (been made 3 days later now), but that just takes time away from other stuff and will never catch up, so best to do it now lol . I must be the only one who doesnt have an extension atm ha ha. Guess am only one who doesnt work too.

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah, we'll see I guess re footy @TAB 


So good how you keep applying yourself to studies 👍😎

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @StuF thanks! I managed to open the drum without a spanner lol. The lentils look healthy and deep red compared to the supermarket stuff - so far so good. Just letting the mixture sit for another 10 minutes and then whack in a tin.  It was easy to make. This weekend am doing decluttering of mind and home. Got to get my thoughts out on paper with all the stuff to do with the battery company. So journalling to just get it out of my system would be the way to go. I'm a virgo and we are known to think too much so it may be advisable for me just to write down whatever is on my mind. Brain detox for mind hygeine. You would think i was a scientologist or something with a book of Dianetics at the ready lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

re study, it stops ..worrying about study .. @StuF  lol

Re: Tabaluga's

👍👍 @SmilingGecko 

Re: Tabaluga's

And that's pretty Huge in my books @TAB !



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

had you thought about doing something @StuF  re study ? this just seemed to tick boxes for me. was mostly paid for by govt, can use my trade, not going to cost $20k w poss no job like if did grad dip LLN (language literacy and numeracy) or library studies or whatever else was thinking of

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB my friends that own the apartment have an A-frame bungalow on their property at Bullsbrook.

They said I can live in the A-frame rent free for a year.

I went to look at it yesterday. They are still cleaning it out.

The last person left quite a mess.

Go the Swans 🦢 😁


Re: Tabaluga's


Yeah, my previous attempts at study have never ended well...And I've not been inspired enough by anything since to motivate another go

I don't rule it out - some TAFE course at least - but yeah

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

was just a thought @StuF  by law if place yr at is any good , they have to allow for disability(eg Swans supporter) and help you get through(ok thats trainer )