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Re: Tabaluga's

Hope you cook something nice @Oaktree 

Re: Tabaluga's

i would gladly take $3,500 @Bill16 that is what i was going to ask for it when i get it finished. 


here is a photo of her all shiny and new. 




Re: Tabaluga's

Nice one @TAB 


You get a chance to not do much over the weekend after your week?

Re: Tabaluga's

When can I pick it up mate @Jacques my brother and I reckon you have done a great job 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thats what I was thinking @StuF  just do a few small things around house.

havent checked diary , but sure its nothing like this week

ok DES friday, RSL guy monday, dentist wednesday. so prob what would usually call a busy week.

have to 'game' it to get voucher for teeth re appt am open to suggestions @ENKELI @Glisten @PeppiPatty  ok i rang and got a govt voucher for private dentist as was painful, then when went to pick it up, realised had stuffed up as appt was not til after 7 days voucher was valid for. also, didnt realise the 7 days didnt start til I picked voucher up. anyway , its expired now and appt is wednesday. so I could go back there and say couldnt get appt I guess. person at counter was young and efficient looking, but mind like a steel trap.. theyshould have told me how to get around it , not just blabber oh well, if you cant get an appt, try somewhere else ie another town..

Re: Tabaluga's

thank you @Bill16 that means so much, i have put a lot of time and effort fixing it up, lol you can pickup anytime mate 🙂

Re: Tabaluga's

@ENKELI  oh ENKELI you brought a smile to my face :).  hmmmm let me have a think about what you can bring.  it is very wintery here atm so something to compliment the

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  hey StuF what have you got on this weekend?

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16  hey Bill16 hope you have a wonderful night whatever you have planned.

Re: Tabaluga's

my brother reckons 3.500 is a good deal @Jacques maybe ask 4