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Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)

Glad you liked it @eth 

I am not much of a box ticker. Prob cos I used to work in public service.

I am feeling over full.  Will go do more physio exercises.  Getting through this weekend in isolation is really hard for me.  For last 10 years its been my busiest and most musical weekend.  Reaching out to you and forum.



Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)

It's really good that you are reaching out @Appleblossom .  I listened to a little of the Easter service on ABC this afternoon - the choir was beautiful - spaced around the vestibule but possibly augmented by recordings.  You can probably get a replay on iView if you want to.  I can imagine how busy it usually is for you.  Challenging times in so many ways - different for all of us.  Picturing you singing tonight.

Will be having dinner with J, D and M in a little while but will come back and look for you after.  For me it's almost opposite - my last 11 years before coming here Easter was empty except for my Greek neighbours the week after.  Now I have bro, sil and her mum to share it with.  But to be honest one day still feels pretty much the same as another.

We all watched a movie this afternoon - JoJo Rabbit.  Kind of weird - a kiwi made war time tragedy (German/Jewish theme) turned into a comedy with a modern sound track - sounds odd and it was.  I was left feeling strange about the way the plot was really tragic in ways and a bit uncomfortable about laughing in places - but that was the intent of the makers I think.

I've been watching more shows online than I did before, I think it's important to have diversions from current affairs, whatever works for you.  

Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)



Enjoy being with your people.


Doing all the music and sharing it for Holy Week, whether in liturgical setting or concert recital, has been huge for a lot of my life, but the church is what it is, and my life is taking different course and this isolation has been forced on us all. 


I have not seen JoJo and would need to be in a robust mood.  Yet I know my grandfather and uncle laughed with camaraderie remembering various exploits from the war.  Its a mixed bag I guess.



Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)

My latest challenge for hopeful MH benefits came from my psychologist, psychiatrist and my support worker during the week - to structure a daily routine and make sure it includes self-care activities.  Including less time online and better physical self-care (showers, exercise).   Going ok with it so far.

@Appleblossom @CheerBear @Former-Member @Shaz51 @outlander  and anyone else passing by.

Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)

Hearing you re self care @eth 


I have to watch I do not fall into bad habits of being online too much now going out is less of an option.

Smiley Happy

Re: Self-care management (during social distancing)

Yep @Appleblossom  it's all too easy isn't it (the fall into unhelpful habits).

Re: Self-care management (during social distancing) from Black Dog Institute

@Former-Member I feel that way everyday. Are you alright?


@eth thank you for this thread, I've been looking for some self care tips actually.