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Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I am the same - routine is super helpful. My days are very routine driven now!


I am working too but it is much less stressful than working for myself. 


Night shifts must be hard for your sleep patterns.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

It’s hard @TideisTurning. It wears you down. It gets frustrating and disheartening. It’s also exhausting. I’ve done a lot of research and you can lead a regular life but for me that seems out of reach

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

How do you manage stress and mood swings in your day-to-day life? 



Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I need to managed to find a routine for my days off, I get 5 in a row. I think that’s my biggest downfall. I need structure. I start with good intentions and then let the lack of motivation get in the way. 

Shift work certainly doesn’t make it any easier

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Q: How do you manage stress and mood swings in your day-to-day life? 


I think I have finally found a daily structure that works for me. It often surprises me what has worked and what hasn’t.


These are my generally followed rules for my day:

  • Make bed (this is surprisingly important to my mood!)
  • No checking phone until after breakfast/kids to school
  • Walk my dog for 30 mins
  • High intensity exercise session every day eg. Spin class, HIIT pilates, etc.
  • 15min meditation walk/listen to mediation podcast at 8.30pm
  • No phone/screens in bedroom overnight

For “in the moment” stress, I find breathing exercises very helpful.

Also being clear with my family when I need a break/to destress. I used to be embarrassed about asking for space or support because I was worried people would think I was being dramatic. Now it’s one of my key tools for coping with bipolar.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I feel you @Captain24, I've been there. Recovery can be super up and down, like waves. Figuring it out is a massive process that can be super exhausting and take it's toll. The tide will turn.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I don’t manage them very well at all. I let it all get me down which then starts a viscous cycle. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Absolutely nothing has helped over 40 years. Only now I'm more sedate taking independent (taking medication) at night. The main thing they are sedating me a bit too much,9_10hrs solid sleep as opposed to 3 or4. I also have cptsd and D.ID,so theres a lot of overlapping symptoms. To be honest I think it's more the D.I.D than anything anxiety major depressive disorder and cptsd. Pity they can't see inside our brains to pin point the mental health issues. I hate this.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

We are just guinea pigs

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

It takes time and information to learn how to manage stress. I was diagnosed almost 9 years ago (!!) and it has taken a lot of that time to learn what works for me re stress management. It's a slow process to figure out what stresses you most, how to avoid it, can you even avoid it, if you can't what helps, how do you deescalate, etc etc


I really feel for you @Captain24 - it sucks.