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Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

Thanks @Former-Member I will look at it.

I spent last night listening to other 2 videos by Patrick McKeon.

I saw another video which admitted to the spectrum between diagnoses, BiPolar and the Schizophrenias, which is what I have always believed.

Facing up to the one written dx I have seen for my boy, which is BiPolar I. Why is he not on the med that is cheapest and most effective.  Seems I have a lot of advocating to do to get him help.

[Edit} Read it. Yes. I have lived in a hi-jacked house for 15 years.Slight moves to take it back over last 2 years.  My son has found the maturity to apologise for being so hard on me, but the reality is that he is not well and I was walking on egg shells. 

I hope through our current crisis, he can finally get the help that he deserves.

Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

Thanks @BenHarper I did not see your response til now.

When I said your lady was lucky I did not mean to minimise her pain, but that she has someone to care.

Oh yes it is a very legitmate interest, but it was something about the way he engaged with me on it that worried me.  We are now in a full blown episode 3 weeks later. It is his 2nd episode, his first was 3 years ago.  It is serious enough, that it is now out of my hands and I have to pray that the justice system can help bring about some justice.

I am a greenie who did Geology 30 years ago but refused to work in mining.  My son was engaging with it on a very current and well documented level, but it was the level of fear he aroused in me that aroused my concern re his MH, just a sign of how close we are, I guess. So that week I went to a lecture at my old lecture theatre and took the temperature of the best academics in our country, did a lot of research and pulled back my fear level regarding selling my house and moving to the mountains. I had an agent value our house so all was transparent for my son, so he could see what our various options are.  I guess I am now trained in reality testing as his dad had schizophrenia.

But for now I have to get a team on my son's side and will be tied up with his GENUINE needs for a while. 



Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

I can't believe how simple it is. And here I was trying to make it complicated... Thank you for this linkSmiley Happy

Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

Hello @outlander and @PeppiPatty 

this is the thread i was telling you about xx

Re: Caretaking and Caregiving

thanks @Shaz51 Heart