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Re: Caring4Corny

I find your posts inspiring. @Corny 


Love your doggy dreams, even though I am mostly a cat lady.

I think I might make
"You are not the boss of me" a meditation mantra for a little while in the hope that it will jump to my lips when needed in a social situation.  I have been usually too slow on the uptake with those things, but getting there ...

Smiley Happy

Re: Caring4Corny

A gurrrll can only dream @Appleblossom . Furry friends are the best.


I was a meek and mild door mat for years and years @Appleblossom . I will always be sensitive and jumpy to interpersonal stress & strong personalities, but in my own quiet way I am learning to stick up for myself and not be such a push over. 


Someone I used to know always said "you are not the boss of me" in an attempt to reverse some of the damage her domineering mother did to her self I thought that's great, I am going to start saying that too! It works heaps better with strangers, I find friends or family just laugh at a nice way.



You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me

You are not the boss of me


I hope you can breathe where you are @Appleblossom , Sydney is a BBQ,

take care,


Corny Heart

Re: Caring4Corny

We are worried about Sydney. I will always love Sydney.


I am down south. The weather is fine but we have had more allergies and respiratory issues this year than ever before.


Smiley Happy


Re: Caring4Corny

I love Sydney too @Appleblossom , but down south is a nice place as well! Sweeping green hills, lovely beaches - but no work Smiley Frustrated 


I am not surprised that you and your family have had more allergy and respiratory problems this year. I have a friend in Sydney with asthma that has to stay inside at home some days and can't go to work otherwise they may end up in ER. The smoke haze was really bad yesterday and the fires near Richmond, Campbelltown and the Blue Mountains are blanketing the city with thick smoke this morning.


Australia really needs to up our game with building design, water catchment and preparing for extremes in weather...doesn't help having a climate change denialist as a Prime Minister, or corruption in the NSW Liberal Party giving contracts for inefficient infrastructure.


Its funny how Australian patriotism comes out in thinking that certain things don't exist in our political system like corruption and that we are better than other countries. Better at hiding it! But I was talking to some friends born in Europe and Asia and they said when they arrived and saw the age of the Sydney Ferries, the amount of toll roads, the lack of a coherent underground subway and the light rail they thought this screams of corruption. It makes no sense and when it makes no sense there has to be some back yard deals. My friend works in the criminal justice system and was telling me last week that an American company that was disqualified in the States and has an atrocious record has won the contract to run Parklea Maximum Security dodgey. 


Until our government brings Australia into the 21st century I don't know what hope we have of being able to tackle health and environmental crises. 


That's my morning rant @Appleblossom . I love Sydney but it's design has been neglected for many years with affordable housing especially. It will become like San Francisco where no one in the service and human services industries can afford to live because they get paid so little. 


I hope you breathe easy today! Just heard the first siren for the morning.


Corny Heart


Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  😀👍👍💕

Re: Caring4Corny

Hello Miss @Former-Member  I hope that you are getting some sleep lil' button Smiley Wink


I saw a Burnese Mountain Dog recently in Sydney which is very rare, have only ever seen one other where I grew up in regional NSW, have you ever seen one in real life? Apparently they are convinced they are lap dogs....





Re: Caring4Corny

Its good to hear your opinions. @Corny   Everyone puts theirs out there.  Yep the water management is atrocious too.  I was upset as I did a lot of primary school in NSW.  Some of the Murray Darling stuff is so logical. How can they stuff it up? That it has not been managed properly is to do with backdoor dealing.  So yes. Corruption is an issue here in Sunny Oz....

Take Care

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  Dropping off a smile, and some flowers to brighten your hospital room, and 💙💛❤️💜💚


Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny


Many moons ago an old neighbour had a Bernese mountain dog, reminded me of a St Bernard without the dribble. 

Re: Caring4Corny

They are rare to see in Australia @Former-Member and huge big paws!


Another breed I was realised I have only ever seen once in my life when I was a small child is an Old English Sheep dog...I remember thinking they looked like something out of Sesame Street.


english sheepdog.jpg