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Re: Caring4Corny

Just what I needed @Maggie thank you so much, the pup is gorgeous, if only they were mine!


I had a good sleep last night. I am a little anxious because I have a family meeting today with my sibs and my psychiatrist but its a step in the right direction, hopefully it won't be too triggering but I know it will. Sigh.  


I really hope to go home mid/late next week, I just don't know what the doc thinks....I am climbing the walls as you can imagine as I hit 16 weeks in hospital for this year...Smiley Sad

Re: Caring4Corny

That does not surprise me @Appleblossom . 


When a solution is so logical and they don't choose that solution it has to be preferential treatment and corruption involving powerful lobbyists and stakeholders, all at the cost to the Australian people and Australian agriculture and industry.


I was reading there isn't much hope of putting one of the fires out up here because there is no rain predicted until February. February! I bet my neighbour is hosing the concrete.


Enjoy your morning cuppa or coffee





Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  🤞🤞🤞🤞everything crossed the meeting goes ok ish. I can imagine anxiety being high. Deep breaths. You know how to do that. 💙💜💛


I hope you get home next week. You might find out something today, and be able to make plans. 

I know those long stays. I feel for you there. 💙💙💙


Re: Caring4Corny

Thank you @Maggie @Former-Member @Shaz51 @outlander @Former-Member  it is a long time and I hope my doc will think its safe for me to go home. 


Christmas is very low key this year, probably just seafood and the beach with my sib, but something very casual none the less, he has said he is worried about me at this time of year, but I have to weigh up the effects of long stints in hospital with other sick people that can be triggering versus the benefits.


Traditionally Christmas was horrible for us and our father was often in full flight and our mother very unwell......but my mother is going away for a couple of days with my other sib this year and I won't be seeing extending family. I am not a little kid any more that can be pushed around and given guilt trips and emotional manipulations. 


I hope you have a relaxing weekend @Maggie .


@Appleblossom my friend has decided to get a Mainecoon.....they have convinced themselves it will be as big as a leopard or a female lion Smiley LOL....I said mate, I think it won't be quite that big, but you can dream Smiley LOL I'm not sure we are allowed them in Oz because of rabies in the US but maybe I am wrong....


Big cat.jpg







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Re: Caring4Corny

Apart from in the dulux paint ads, aven't seen an old English sheep dog in years either @Corny, the last would have been 30+ years ago where someone up the road from us had one that had regular haircuts. 


Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny 👋💚

Re: Caring4Corny

It would be over 30 years for me too @Former-Member since I have seen an Old English Sheep dog in real life. I wonder if you crossed it with an Irish Setter you could create a breed that really does look like snuffy off Sesame Street. Smiley Wink


I have never seen a Chow Chow in real life but apparently if you give them a lesbian hair cut they look like a teddy.

Cho Chow.jpg

Re: Caring4Corny

I don't know how to do the little tea cup emoticon @outlander but I hope you have the billy on this morning Heart



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Re: Caring4Corny

Can't recall seeing a chow chow @Corny. Two other not so common breeds also not sighted for a while are a samoyed (school friend - 30+ yrs ago) and Afghan hound (puppy training ~20 yrs ago).


There is the lesser known breed of the corndog ...

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download (8).jpg




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Re: Caring4Corny

Dear sweet @Corny 


Sorry to hear you are back in the honeymoon suite ... though I guess it must be needed.  And hopefully this latest stay will get you back on track again.  Hey ... nothin' wrong with a pre-christmas getaway in The Ritz aye?


Oh how wonderful if you were able to get your own dog.  I am hopeful that this can happen in the not too distant future.  Dogs are THE BEST.  Truly.


Like the others here @Former-Member @Maggie @Appleblossom @outlander  I have not seen any Old English Sheepdogs around in many years.  I used to see them around a bit when I was young, but not any more.  I guess they have literally gone out of fashion.  Wow the big Burnese Mountain Dog is a sweetie.  Is the Burnese Mountain Dog much the same as the Newfoundland?  I recall seeing either or both on a lot of the old movies from the old days.  But no, I do not recall ever seeing a Burnese in real life.  I grew up and lived on a remote farm most of my life, and big fluffy dogs like that would have been totally impractical.  Too many grass seeds and too hot for them.  Even the Old English Sheepdog ... well conditions are vastly different in England.  So we never saw any of them rounding up sheep on the farm either.  Lol.  But people in town used to have them.


Sorry I did not respond before now ... I've been away visiting my Dad all week.  Its a 7 hour drive and pretty hectic whilst there as well.  Got lots done though, and I'm happy about that.  All about making Dads life a little easier and more practical to allow him to cope as well as possible for as long as possible.


Anyway home now, and feeling very weary.  Worst of the fires here are over thankfully, although we do still have an out of control massive fire of about 130,000 hectares just to our West.  Although not controlled, it is 'being controlled'.  Apparently there is a difference.  Anyway we are still getting a lot of smoke from the fires all around.  Most of them are in forrests and will burn for months unless we get significant rain. And that doesnt look like it will happen for a long time.  It was awful driving to visit my Dad last week ... for a long stretch of highway, about 35-40kms it was burnt all the way along both sides of the highway.  Just burnt stubs of trees, and then you spot a house amongst the devastation, which has been saved by our brave fireys.  They do such a great job dont they?  And of course driving through Sydney, there was plenty of smoke.  So its now our city cousins who are getting the worst of the smoke and fires.  Gotta share it around. 😵


Okay, just a quick one, to let you know I havent forgotten you.  I am always listening, occasionally responding.  Keep well and safe my Corny friend.


Sherry 💕