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Looking after ourselves

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

thanks @Shaz51  I like to remind myself on fifties huncreds etc

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

heyyy my darling @Meowmy Smiley Very Happy

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hey tabs @TAB
How good is that.
Well done

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

thanks Hams, just need to deal with other side effects now @MDT need to get to gym lol 

Re: Ditching the Ciggers


Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hope you went okay as well @Mex  nice to see you again

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Cant see pic yet @Mex if you want someone to see post can put @ before screen name 😀

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Ok I got notification but cant see anything @Mex all good

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

All good @TAB.
Was a photo of me in PPE.

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

@TAB It feels like forever ago that you started this journey but also it feels like it has flown too (not sure if that's how you have experienced it?!). This thread and your journey has stuck with me and genuinely inspired me. I have been thinking about popping by here for a little while and a gentle nudge from a friend helped. Guess what???


I am on day 19 😁! I am super excited and feeling very proud and pretty confident I can keep it up now. I have smoked way, wayyyyy too much for many, many years so to even see day 19 feels massive. Seeing your 600+ days and imagining what that will feel like (and remembering when you started and were at little number days like day 19!) feels encouraging and inspiring. 


I hope you are well TAB 🐱

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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