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lots of hugs @utopia  HeartHeart

Senior Contributor


Thank you @Shaz51 . Hugs are always accepted here. 

Had a big sleep last night.  Went to bed 5 hours early.  Slept for 14 hours. 

Another 2 hour nap this afternoon. 

Am exhausted. 

Allergies playing up.  Think I've caught the cold my son and his girlfriend has.  Bugger.

My son won his soccer Grand Final yesterday.  2nd year in a row.  Beat the same team both years.  Brilliant. 

Think I might take my meds and go to bed again early tonight.

Hope y9u and Mr shaz are well.  Hope the weather is beautiful in your part of Australia. 


Community Guide


That sucks about the cold @utopia It does sound like you needed the sleep though and hopefully that helps you recover from it quicker.


Great news about your son's win - did the team do something to celebrate?


@utopia  sounds like you needed the sleep my friend xx

hope you feel better soon xx

My son won his soccer Grand Final yesterday. 2nd year in a row. --- wow way to go Smiley Very Happy

mr shaz has being really yuk in the stomach today andhe had a sleep all afternoon too

and I have being feeling a bit lost today , could be from lack of sleep last night xx

a bit warm up here @utopia  and it is not summer yet

Senior Contributor


Hi @utopia  been reading some of the latest posts. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well with a cold and allergies. So nice to read your son did his deb with his girlfriend. So nice. He’s growing up so much. And to see your boy grow into a young man is so nice. Sounds like he’s doing really well at school and knows what he wants to do once he leaves year 12. So good to hear. 

Hope you can get a good night sleep 

take care @utopia ❤️❤️

Senior Contributor


Sorry to hear me shaz51 is not feeling well.  Hope he gets better. 

Yes @Shaz51 , you need a good sleep to function well.  Hopefully tonight you are deeply in the peaceful land of nod. 

@Zoe7  My sons soccer team is having a party after school tomorrow.  They play for a local high school in the big town.  My son and 2 other players have joined their team. 

So they will eat junk food and celebrate tomorrow night.  Hope they all enjoy themselves. 

Senior Contributor


@BlueBay . My son seems more settled now that he has chosen 2 courses he would like to do at Uni.  First choice Architecture. 

Second choice Economics. 

I wish I could post pictures of the Deb. He just looked so mature and handsome.  Frustrating not to show my friends on the Forum the special moment photos. 


Community Guide


I hopethey all enjoy themselves too @utopia - nice to celebrate a win together Smiley Very Happy


How are you doing?

Senior Contributor


@Zoe7 . I'm doing really well. 

Over a month no depression.  YAY!!! 

Saw my psychologist today,  first time in a month.  He says now my depression has gone,  it's time to push through and do things.  Walk,  clean house,  sit in garden,  be in the moment, etc.  I can do some of that. Slowly. 

How have you been?  Almost time for school holidays.  You must be excited. 

How are your dog and cat? Sorry forgot dogs name.  Oh,  Toby.  It's Toby right? 

Do you have plans for the holidays?  Take Toby to the beach maybe? 

Our days are getting warmer here.  Mid to high teens.  To me it feels hotter,  but I think that has something to do with menopause.  Lol. 

Well I'm going to take a nap.  Talk soon.  Take care.  ❤


ohhhhhh @utopia , soo good news  my friend HeartHeart Yaaaaaa'

ready for the next step , slowly , xxx

thank you for your message before about mr shaz

he is ok , he love to retire tomorrow if he could --- then he would have nothing to do then would he

how are your fur babies xx

Hello @Zoe7 , @BlueBay , @Faith-and-Hope , @Maggie