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Re: Taking the plunge

Practical and sensible sounds pretty perfect @Former-Member. I tend to go with completely impractical and nonsensical everything (then regret it when I actually need to do or use something haha). Looking forward to seeing a pic and to hearing your internet is fixed. That's really frustrating.

Volunteer gig sounds like a great thing to try and do sherry. Something that gives you a sense of connection, a life beyond your house, giving back etc. perhaps. That's part of what my volunteer gig gives me 🙂

I'm going to do the tradie run for milk (though your virtual milk is appreciated).

Nice to see you this morning and thank you again ❤
Not applicable

Re: Taking the plunge

My pleasure @CheerBear  😀💕👍

Re: Taking the plunge

@Former-Member  Thankyou for posting that.

A strong coffee here.


@CheerBear  So much of this 💚💜❤️

Re: Taking the plunge

So much back @Maggie , thank you ❤


Are you still around? How was your yesterday? And how are you doing this morning?

Re: Taking the plunge

Yes, still here @CheerBear .

I unpacked my books yesterday. I don’t have a bookshelf yet, but they are piled up against the wall. 👍👍👍 I can at least see what I want. They were in a box before that. I love my books.

Then I cut fur babies hair. Forecast says 37 Friday. 😠😠


Tough morning. I have moments of moments, that lead to confusion and messy stuff. It will be a murky day I think.

How is your day looking. School is nearly back.

When do you see your psych next.?

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh yay for books @Maggie! Books are awesome and it's so good you have them where you can see them 😊 Right after a craft room, I'd have a library in my home if I could. I'd happily remove the kitchen for one I think 😆

I just read about the forecast for where you are (at least what state as I have no idea where you are). Too hot 🙁

Want share about your moments of moments? No need to but I'm here listening and with you. Murky is hard.

Today is washing, groceries, uniform sorting, school bag packing etc. Two are seriously not happy about the idea of going back to school.

Psych on Friday. I haven't seen him face to face for a month so I'm thankful it's soon. He helps with my messy. I haven't heard back from the family support worker who threw me with "we need to close" out of the blue last Thursday. She said she'd call that afternoon but didn't. She doesn't work Fridays, the public holiday was Monday and she didn't call yesterday. So annoyed 😡 Glad I have my psych.

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh wow with the support worker @CheerBear. 😡😡😡


I’m with you on replacing the kitchen for craft and books. 👍👍👍


The murky is weird stuff @CheerBear . Comes out of the blue. Feels like my head might explode. Never has. I think it’s past stuff surfacing ( as it does). It eases, but can be exhausting.


Washing, groceries and school prep stuff. A busy day ahead for you and the crew.

I can imagine some not so happy about going back.


I think Friday psych appointment is timely. 💙💙💙💙

Re: Taking the plunge

@outlander  💜💜💜

Re: Taking the plunge

I'd feel much better about getting lost in books and yarn and glitter than in dishes @Maggie 😁

That is exhausting, especially out of the blue. Is it thoughts, memories, sensations, feelings... ?

I agree with Friday being timely. Stuff is bubbling and twisted is happening. I feel angry which is annoying as there's no need for it :face_with_rolling_eyes: In a way I hope my support worker calls today just so I can argue and snap. That's messed up 😑

Re: Taking the plunge

👋 again @outlander