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Re: rough time

hi guys
so abit of good news today. I found out that i have PASSED my course, and with top marks too.

@Zoe7 @Sans911 @Snowie @Faith-and-Hope @CheerBear @Teej and all those following along

Re: rough time

Well done @outlander Smiley Happy

Re: rough time

HI @Owlunar
thanks for adding that post in there. The anaethetist I spoke to was nice and understanding as was my dental surgeon who will be doing the op so im ok with those who are doing the op at least.
Im glad you could make jokes to ease our nerves, I tend to just shut down but I dont think it matters really im not going to remember much about it, only the info in which they will tell me.

I dont mind having to wait knowing ill be in better and safer hand in a better equipeed hospital for those who are more high risk etc so I dont mind waiting as long as they give me a few weeks in advance as ill need to arrrange accomodation due it being almost 3 hrs away from me.
I have asked family to come up and have decided to stay 3 nights- night before, night of and the niht after, and have suggested to go to a secneic place we were plannin to go anyway so itll be a good opportuinity to have a breather before surgury the following day or itll give the family something to do since my surgeons already made it clear that they dont allow family in until im recovered more and when im ready which is good as they are so overwhelming on a normal day so abit of time to just breathe afterwards sounds like a good plan to me.

Re: rough time

thanks @Zoe7 🙂

Re: rough time

Hi @outlander


I always make jokes when I am scared or in pain or both - and people laugh at them - or maybe they are laughing at me - regardless it always helps


But whatever we have to have done - the time comes to pass - it's just hard facing it


Congratualations on getting the highest mark for your course - I don't think I read what that was but fantastic - you did well


Just keep going Outlander - your life may not be easy but it's surely interesting - as I consider mine has been actually



Re: rough time

Thanks @Owlunar humour does work well for so many things doesnt it.

Hmm yes life is pretty hectic but need to create the good moments in there somewhere amongst the chaos
Keep on keeping on huh

Re: rough time




I never doubted your ability to get through this course, even with the speaking assignment that made you feel so uncomfortable. You really are very special, determined and smart @outlander


I'm so very, very proud of you right now lil Sis, just as much as if I was your real life sister. You've come to mean a lot to me in a short time, but I feel I'm getting to know you well.


You can be whatever you want to be, and if that takes a little longer because of things happening in your life right now, that's OK. There's time for you yet to truly shine. I see great things for you hun. Big, SQUISHY hugs incoming- lol!

Re: rough time

Aww geez. Your making me go as red as your picture 🙈 @Sans911 huge fuzzy heart feelings right now thats for sure 💜
They give feedback at each assignment. There was only one word that i didn't pronounce right. The rest were fine including dictating that medical report (im sure those will be the death of me lol)

And you are my real life sister unless your a robot behind the screeb which i highly doubt! I will gratefully accept those hugs as long ad i can return them to you too 💜

Re: rough time

Goodnight sis and everyone. Im heading off for the night. Hoping for peaceful sleep for us all ❤❤


Re: rough time

Well done @outlander on passing your course!!!  😁😂🎉 It sounds like you've done really well at it too!!  

Hospitals are the pits.  Hope your procedure goes well.