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Re: Tabaluga's

Hope you're okay @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, was going to visit friend who is hour and half drive away. A bit short of energy and cancelled it. Not up to much. Just staying in room. Kind of cozy. Ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

90 mins takes a bit of dedication or or be a habit @Meowmy  had nap here, didnt work time before. Got washing in. noticed fitted sheet was moaning about says double not queen .. oh dear., no wonder its so hard to get on. might need to organise trip to opshop with pile of useless purchases ha ha ok used it 2 years, put never realised size maybe bought whenin caravan park and no bed of my own, had a 'çaravan' double ie way smaller than normal double let alone queen, ha  

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, just sitting in room. Cold here. Nothing changes quickly guess. Hope you get better with time


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..hope I grow a new tooth ha ha @Meowmy  lol just another stupid part of Life where things dont go right, despite having 4 goes at fixing something that never should have happened in first place ha ha 

It's put things in persprective a bit tho, not done study and really dont care lolo.. will start tomorrow or after and wont spend too much time on it ha ha lol

At least not cold here.

Wonder if anyone noticed I was not at stupid RSL last night? they have fundraiser selling meals once a month and all the rest is some sort of secret I guess. Might not go there again. Definitely not if am not drinking.

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope things get better for you. Your cardiologist sound nice and helpful.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

he is a huge Indian man poss in 60s @Meowmy at least a foot taller than me and nearly same weight just not fat lol.  Very distinguished looking. He spoke very quietly and calmly nd told me what I didnt want to hear ha ha lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope you can get a bit healthier with time. Life is tough. 

Re: Tabaluga's



Hi sane friends haven't been doing so well so have been on and off here.

Struggling with my  mental health agraphobia and panick attacks are back am living in my bedroom when my workers have taken me out I don't enjoy it anymore I just feel numb and sad most of the time .

My doctor said he can't change my medication ithas to come from my psychiatrist which I don't have a appointment till Wednesday afternoon and when I've asked him before he always said no, I just think the tablets aren't working anymore and if it's not them then I don't know what's going on.

My psychologist is writing up a letter for me to give it to my psychiatrist which I hope will help, get really angry with myself when can't remember anything so forget what I want to say


Hope everyone is doing well @Meowmy @TAB @Bill16 @StuF @Glisten @Bill16 

@SmilingGecko @Oaktree @tonys and all



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @saturnzoon  well maybe take a note with you ? take a pic of it and put on phone as well ? @tonys in hosp I think