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Re: Tabaluga's


@TAB I sleep too much too. I can't remember what I said about work, it's been stressful. I just try to leave it at work. The work environment is toxic. I'm working tomorrow.  I have another job just for a little bit (casual over Christmas period).


I'm trying to get these four things sorted (basics)

Fuel for the body


Screen time


Re: Tabaluga's


@TAB Yes been there a while. Yes, it's a pretty toxic environment. 


Sorry to hear about your struggles with weight. It's not easy to lose weight and other factors too. Do you  have a meal plan to follow? I'm trying to lose weight too. 



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

does that mean you are done with this job ? @oceangirl  sorry if I cant follow. yes, you said something about stressful re work.

i spend way too much time online, used to be tv, now its internet. also got to sort food out, been eating rubbish and drs been giving me meds for reflux etc, stopped them, trying to fix it with diet now.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well, been telling anyone who would listen, never been close to weight I am atm, put on 40% over last 5 years this dr going to re-check thyroid levels, (said 'low' last time) no one ever told me that or did anything b4 , just go to drs and get told am too big and 'no magic fixes' idiots (sorry)

going to finish off man shakes had lying around prob 1 a day or so, just force extra veg and water was thinking get 1 lite easy /day and add veg to it. then get a banh mi for lunch (found place in next town, could stock up) and just have cereal for bkfst .. i like routine

@oceangirl  and got to try and get around aches and pains and injuries and get moving more Fingers crossed. at least got medical help now, ok had pills b4 this is more like that famous one they claim running out of

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB I thought that might be what I said, I read something recently about people leaving jobs- it's not the jobs (people leave) but the managers. I will just see what happens. New job is with the Gov 32 hours per week and then have to try to fit in my current job except I will not be doing extra hours there until the new year. 


Let's try to help each other- take better care of ourselves. My specialist gave me the weight loss injection, but I never used it. I got a sample of it (first month). I think it might be the same injection you are on. I think, it costs 375 per month. Thyroid and medication can really affect your weight, and also to lose weight. Have you thought about other options? 



Re: Tabaluga's



You need protein too. 

I like routine too. 

Just make small changes and weight yourself each week. 

Go for small walks to begin with. 

See how you go this week. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

good on you re govt job @oceangirl I had a few over the years lol , well, Army 3 years early 80s public service mid 80s adult apprenticeship w state govt early 90s lol, so 10 years all up. could have been a lot longer, but thats a life not lived lol .

um this one $260/mth and chemist was apologising cos they know am not working. they dont know what money I have tho  lol .

and it starts with 'W' very similar to famous one. dr said could lose  like one of these didnt specify time tho lol



had tried other things, didnt work, ok havent exhausted thyroid etc avenue


Re: Tabaluga's


@TAB The injection I had prescribed was Saxenda. Tomorrow morning going to the Drs for a skin check. I work tomorrow afternoon/night. But I want to get in some exercise tomorrow. 


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

not heard of that one , will look up @oceangirl  this was wegovy same class as 'oz' one

i havent been that well last few days, enoughto get thru day, but not for study as had pain, dont think thinking and pain mix, not for me anyway

prob big study day tomorrow.have to get bloods too, might try and sneak into drs too

hopefully skin okay 

just going to lite fire here, down to 1 deg here tonight , just want to warm the house a bit, wont burn much longer after i go to bed 

Re: Tabaluga's



I'm off to bed here soon. 

Thyroid affects weight etc. Ask the dr to check for any other underlying causes. But thyroid is a big one. Do you have medication for thyroid? I think, my skin check, should be ok. That is cold, not sure what is here, I will check. It is 15 degrees overnight.