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Re: Tabaluga's

ha yeah, it will be quick trip. Enjoy your lunch @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

Good afternoon @Meowmy @TAB @oceangirl @Bill16 


Hope you're going well

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, starting to feel anxious again. Two and half hours to finish work.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @StuF  feeling better I hope ? did you work today ?

@Meowmy  very quick trip, in and out at chemist , machine wouldnt work, wasnt bossy hen lady lol , ha. went for a bit of a drive afterwards. thats my day done now lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF hey StuF, nice to see you.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

okay, punch boss in throat, throw computer out window and go to Happy hour @Meowmy  jk lol 

okay.. um think nice thoughts, whats for dinner, next holiday, walk home(?)  divide the time up , soon be under an hour ..

I got heartburn  and reflux stuff at chemist went off meds for days hoping gut would fix itself, it didnt. prob just gave body a bit of a break taking few less pills.

Seeing new GP again tomorrow think 7 day detox, have to go there every day for a week, plus more meds

Re: Tabaluga's


Yes, did work. Wasn't great, but got through. Busy day which at least distracts from the desire to just go back to bed! lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @Meowmy 

Anxiety sucks. Hope you can get through work ok and maybe do something nice after

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB very good tabby re chemist. Hope dr will help to make you better. Take care

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey @TAB @Meowmy @StuF 


Venus and Mars aligned for me today so great for home decorating. I love Temu you can get quaint things from them. I have been waiting a long time to get a beaded screen or something for my hallway entrance but was able to get this cheap fabric curtain from Temu for $15.  It wouldn't let me checkout had to do a mimimum purchase so got a jacquard tassled throw for my room for $45. I think I'm done with my budget lol Just spent the afternoon de-pilling my tracksuit top which was starting to look ragged. I've had it for several years now. Its been restored to almost pristine condition so will enjoy wearing it again for walks. Theres so much landfill. I do know the environmental minister had fast fashion companies on alert as they are trying to regulate the fashion industry and landfill waste. So I have a tracksuit top that looks more decent now and hasn't been required to get thrown out. Will get more years wear out of it hopefully


The partitian curtain thats going into my hallwayThe partitian curtain thats going into my hallway


Jacquard throw for my bedJacquard throw for my bed