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Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @wellwellwellnez thank you so much 

Ur response was very moving...I like how u can share honestly and my own insecurity I kept waiting or beingbscarsd that my responses here will be judged but Ur post was so accepting! 

I relate very much to not relying on any one service 

I find it cult these days if any service demands I be almost loyal and only use them. I like that my psych appreciates the stuff I do on my own and even the other practitioners I seek out for other things he's not specifically experienced in

He's a bit too humble though and sometimes the over referring me to others does feel like a slap in the face, like being palmed off.

I wander about the limits of clinical support but am getting to a point of admitting that I need it, specifically for me a psychiatrist as well as other supports. Thanks again for Ur reply , it connected to me a lot.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @maddison 

The chatting does help me, and I love Ur interpretation of my user name! 

Ancient and everlasting are two nice and strengthening images, also something that doesn't break, which makes me feel more like a survivor and less like a broken mess.


I really liked "Somebody, Somewhere", it was so calming and the people in it were all trying their best which I related to...

The show was Russian Doll on Netflix,  I'm rewatching , I watch it every so often gets me every time. I find hope in it even though it has themes of suicide.


My Dr is working to get me in, but I think I could definitely express more how urgent it feels for me. Fill in the gaps I guess of what he may miss, the flat points I endure between our sessions. Thanks for that amazing suggestion, I appreciate it.


I so relate to you on meditation! I have started yoga recently which I also thought was not for me. I do it on zoom which is easy. 

🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @NatureLover @maddison @wellwellwellnezhow are I've been pretty low, had I think delayed onset trauma and been irritable, lik with the system, changes of appointments, miscommunication....

I go between trying so hard and just letting go and not caring about recovery 

How is everyone doing and how are u feeling

X EternalFlower

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 


@EternalFlower wrote:

I go between trying so hard and just letting go and not caring about recovery 

I think this is normal... At least, I give myself "days off" now and then where I just rest and don't try to achieve anything. I don't think we can operate full steam ahead all the time, at least, I can't. 


I'm sorry you've been low, it sucks, doesn't it. 


I'm doing OK mostly at the moment, thanks...

Re: Trying makes it worse

So agreeing with you @NatureLover . Taking a break from recovery is an essential part of recovery. It has to be. Can't march on an empty stomach.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Thanks @NatureLover @wellwellwellnez 

glad u are doing OK arm @NatureLover 

The break kind of helped me, I had a rough in bed day yesterday but I realised it's a privilege to be able to do so and that it's ok

I, ok with feeling sad.

I'm not so ok with feeling anxious or scared, which I try and shake off and play as if it's not happening

I've been in hospital judt arrived and finding it helpful 

Re: Trying makes it worse

I'm in hospital currently and it has been a lot

I find the people pretty chill ans the nurses not the best, not so easy to talk to at times

I was given leave and two other residents asked me to join them for a walk and I said no, but then I ended up at the same Cafe they went to and they offered me to join.

I am getting to know other residents and finding sometimes it is too much but sometimes it's really nice 


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 


@EternalFlower wrote:

I had a rough in bed day yesterday but I realised it's a privilege to be able to do so and that it's ok

This was helpful to me, thank you. 



I hope your time in hospital is helpful...

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower ,


I'm glad for you that you made it to hospital. How are things going on there?


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @NatureLover 

So glad it resonated hope u are doing OK...