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Re: Deep emotional pains

@Zoe7 thanks . That is helpful.

Re: Deep emotional pains

@Meowmy  Hi Meowmy sorry to hear that you had an anxiety attack they are truly awful. Ummm .... I am not good with them at all I tend to avoid the trigger which may or may not be the right thing to do eg:driving is when I tend to get them or being in crowded places .... I just avoid them at all costs. Avoidance probably isn't the right thing to do long term .... 😞

Re: Deep emotional pains

@greenpea  this is the first anxiety attack I have since the fifteenth March, well over a month. I think my depression and anxiety came back when I started to deal with deep emotions relating to my mum.

I am feeling a bit better. Anxiety still in the background.

Trying to distract myself with music. May go swimming or another walk.

Re: Deep emotional pains

Trying to distract myself with music. May go swimming or another walk.-- this is good @Meowmy 

my mr shaz does music or you tube clips to help him

Re: Deep emotional pains

@Shaz51 Sounds good. I will try you tube. Thanks.

Re: Deep emotional pains

@Shaz51 @greenpea @Zoe7 

Hello everyone @outlander  hope you are all having a good afternoon. Weather here is cold and cloudy. I am feeling incredibly lonely. I guess to realize my mother doesn’t love me much. That is a lonely thing . My male friend, only friend in the real world does not want to get closer because he prefers the freedom and simplicity of single life. I feel very much alone in this world.

Just sitting, not able to do much at all. Probably try to watch some TV. 


Hope you all have better luck than me.

Re: Deep emotional pains

It will be good if you can find some groups to joing as I know you have been thinking about @Meowmy Hopefully them you can make a few more connections and have a little more to do outside of caring for your mother. I am watching tv at the moment myself then there is a footy match on this afternoon I will watch. Got my little fluffball snuggled next to me so that gives me a lit of joy.

Re: Deep emotional pains

@Zoe7 Thank you for that. It helps me. Enjoy your afternoon footy game.

Re: Deep emotional pains

Enjoy your tv viewing too @Meowmy Smiley Happy

Re: Deep emotional pains

@Zoe7 @Shaz51 @greenpea  Watched TV for an hour and more. Feeling much better. Thanks for care. Have a good afternoon.