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Re: Craft Corner

Hahaha ..... love it @Maggie ❣️

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Judi9877 .... 👋💕


Missing seeing you around @Gazza75 .... hope you're doing okay.

Re: Craft Corner

Hello @Maggie@CheerBear@Faith-and-Hope@Gazza75@Judi9877@mumto2@CraftPoppy 


Beautiful @Gazza75 Heart

Re: Craft Corner

oh how i wish i had a craft room..

Re: Craft Corner

Nail Foil Dragonfly Here is my Etsy shop if you want to purchase my hand painted stones😁 I add new stuff each week! Great news!!! You can use my new discount code at The Pink Chair now!! Get 10% off if you use my code RACHELMITCHELL Click here to use the code and start ...

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Maggie @CheerBear @mumto2 @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Gazza75 @outlander and all crafty friends here. I know I've been a bit absent from here lately and I'm sorry- life has got in the way a bit down here in Melbourne with Covid-19 stuff happening. I have however been looking at the posts so well done everyone on all your crafty and art things👍
Anyway, I have decided to pick up the knitting needles as a matter of necessity this afternoon because of covid-19 issues happening down here in Melbourne. That being to knit myself a scarf to act as a face covering because as of Thursday, metropolitan Melbourne residents have to wear either a mask or some sort of face covering whenever they leave their residence. A scarf is deemed to be a face covering so my sudden knitting of one. See below of my current status of the scarf. I hope you like it! 


There are 2 colours of 8ply acrylic yarn used to make it thick and quicker to knit up. The knitting needles have little AFL footballs at the ends but I don't know what size they are since I got them in a knitting kit for a Brisbane Lions beanie many years ago. 

Re: Craft Corner

@Judi9877 @CheerBear @Maggie @mumto2 @Shaz51 


My wool order came today from today. I was so excited I have been waiting for over a week. It's a similar design except the pink strands are blue in my wool.


I have my circular knitting needles and all set to start a beanie!


At least it's wasn't like my other order where I order 13 and got 1 ball of wool! According to the website there we're supposed to be 23 designs so really I should have gotten 299 balls of wool. Mis-translation apparently. The quantity was apparently the size. However there was no way to know.


Re: Craft Corner

looks lovely @Judi9877
im making a blanket atm but im struggling with motivation. i really need to get it done though but m struggling to find the time and energy. the free time i have lately i really need for myself but i need to do it. so frustrating.

Re: Craft Corner

@Judi9877  It’s looking lovely. 👍👍👍Sorry about the second lockdown in your area. Take care.

Re: Craft Corner

@jem80  Craft orders are exciting, once they arrive.


I hope the beanie is coming along nicely, the wool looks lovely.


Looking forward to updates. 🧶🧶🧶

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